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How to Pack a Holdall by Niche Lane

Whether for business or for pleasure, a mini break away can can induce anxiety in even the most seasoned of travellers.  How many pairs of shoes will I need? If I sacrifice the dinner jacket, will a blazer suffice? Will the holdall even fit in the cabin? These are the questions that often come up when a weekend away is looming.  So we’ve come up with a few tips and tricks that will make the packing experience as painless as possible so you can get on with the real reason for your mini-trip away. 1. Choosing the vessel. First thing’s first, you must find the right bag.   It’s no secret that your choice of luggage says a lot about...

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The Digital Garage Comes to Cardiff!

The digital marketing world is a vast and ever-changing space that has revolutionised the way we reach our audiences. Whether you’re a start-up, a big franchise or simply a home-blogger, digital marketing is key for building an online presence. Thankfully, the Digital Garage by Google has popped up in Cardiff and so digital marketing tips, tricks and answers are just a hop, skip and a jump away from the Niche Lane office! Here’s how our experience has gone so far… • The Garage offers seminars on various aspects of online marketing from creating your brand’s story to growing your business with organic search- there’s something for everyone! The talks are informal, engaging and anyone can drop by for a listen!...

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Our journey so far at Entrepreneurial Spark

It all started with an advert that Min (one of our Co-founders) bumped into by chance in April 2016. For those of you not in the know, Entrepreneurial Spark is a business accelerator programme which is supported by Natwest/RBS and other professional firms. It is a not-for-profit organisation which looks to support, nurture and help grow start-up and small businesses and they were opening up a new hub in Cardiff. E-Spark call each of their hub's 'Hatchery's" and they were looking for chicklets ( entrepreneurs ) to take under their wings and help them grow. We were so excited to hear about this opportunity, but had to apply to get in. So we set about preparing our pitch and delivered...

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Niche Lane Shoot!

Having your own company is fantasic fun and hard work, but above all a massive learning experience. The proverbial 'they' say that you never stop learning, and this cannot be more true. We have leant so much since our journey began, from how to create a website, to how may 'walls' a carboard box can have to the vast array of different leathers and treatments that can be applied - but one of the greatest challenges we have faced is taking photo's. It it so difficult to find the right angle to show off the bags well, find the right shot to put the bag in the right perspective and light, and by far the biggest challenge we faced taking...

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